Friday, May 24, 2013

I ate it.

Remember that game where someone would pass gas and then you would all have to race as fast as you could to put your thumb to your forehead?  And the last one to do so had to eat it.  Yeah, that one inspired this quick sketch.

Sketchy sketch sketcherson.

Sometimes I like to post my sketching practices.  I grab the ipad and start sketching.  This time my wife sits next to me and says "what in the world are you doing" and I say "I guess I am sketching a fox".  I then try to explain that you need to practice. Whatever it is, you need to practice.  Then she left.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Practice makes you good, like an angel.  Here I am just practicing some digital painting.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013


I am pretty sure this contraption is coming soon. Pretty sure.  Look forward.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Controlled scribble of course.  Stay in control of what you can.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Movie night with my girls was Hotel Transelvania.  Thanks to my little kidlets I get a little Halloween in May!  So naturally I sketched out a tribute to Frankenstein.  If you fall apart, well, put yourself back together again.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Fox boy has arrived.

I get ideas in my head that usually don't go anywhere.....this is one of them.  At least I have ideas right?

Chop chop.

Focus, or you might chop too much.  I did this one in sixty seconds using the Zen Brush app.  So chop chop is fitting.