Saturday, February 29, 2020

Girls Rule!

I got to attend the Women's Soccer Symposium today over in Milwaukee.  Jill Ellis was the main speaker!  You know, the Women’s National Team Head Coach who won the World Cup....Twice.  She is the only coach, male or female to do this. Inspiring I tell you.  It got me ready for the High School season and the impact a coach can have over our daughters. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

DJ Marshmello.

My little art students teach me a lot. They know more than you think about our culture. Lately for some reason DJ Marshmello has become a thing. Creates music and then becomes a character in a very popular video game called ”fortnite”.....and of course wears a big marshmallow head so no one even knows what he really looks like. Strange strange culture. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Spring is coming...I know it.

Time to sketch again...Spring is around the corner.  I can feel it...well, not really because it is snowing. But isn’t that what Wisconsin Spring is. Snow:). Blessings on the rest of your week!