Saturday, October 24, 2020

Quarantine Soccer.

We managed to have a soccer season during this crazy pandemic.  The kids absolutely needed and loved it! We put the priority of doing what we love in long as it was safe and healthy.  Which in the end absolutely was.  I love the idea of  “ not”...nothing just floating in the middle.  Go for it, or don't, it is all good.  Just respect others around you fully.  Peace in all you do!

Friday, October 9, 2020

Bring on year 8!

My Dad...the original Bibleman, Superhero in my eyes, Father, Grandpa, Minister, Servant (holy cow was he a servant), Loyal Hubs to my Mom, Teacher, Leader, Student, Son, Brother, Friend, Shepard, Counselor, Director,  Coach (undefeated on soccer Saturday), Uncle, Friend, Teacher, Preacher, Advisor, Listener, Good Human...whatever you need, he could be that, he was never too good to be what you Daddy.  I was watching and taking it in when you were here.  I have learned from you. Miss you. Bring on year 8 (Covid and all)!

Monday, October 5, 2020


Ruth Bader Ginsberg was quite the woman, quite the human! “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made”.